Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Sobia Ahmed
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Samantha Bailey
Math Intervention
Middle School Math Intervention
Colleen Ballard
Language Arts Teacher
Middle School Language Arts
Carly Beck
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Elizabeth Bevly
Instructional Coach
Middle School Instructional Coach
Caroline Branick
Language Arts Teacher
Middle School Language Arts
Michelle Burns
Social Worker
Middle School Social Worker
Catherine Butler
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Kelly Byrne
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Therese Cohen
Language Arts Teacher
Middle School Language Arts
David Collins
Middle School Resource
Kari Conkle
Admin Asst.
Middle School School Admin Asst.
Matthew Cotton
Music Teacher
Middle School Music
Nicole Dagres
Speech Pathologist
Middle School Speech Pathologist
Frank Dahlman
Social Studies Teacher
Middle School Social Studies
Melissa De Peralta
ELL Teacher
Middle School ELL
Shannon Earley
Self Contained
Middle School Self Contained
Carrie Emrikson
Kristie Evers
Science Teacher
Middle School General Science
Kelly Frederick
Social Studies Teacher
Middle School Social Studies