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Sarah Krizmanic
Social Studies Teacher
Middle School Social Studies
William Kroger
Science Teacher
Middle School General Science
Christina LaPenna
Science Teacher
Middle School General Science
Alondra Larrabee
Spanish Teacher
Middle School Spanish
Emily Larsen
Language Arts Teacher
Middle School Language Arts
Samuel Lawrence
Science Teacher
Middle School General Science
Mary Jo Levin
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Andrew Lim
Industrial Arts Teacher
Middle School Industrial Arts
Benjamin Loduha
Instructional Coach
Middle School Instructional Coach
Joshua Louis
Megan Madeira
Middle School Resource
Ann Malinowski
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Jon Manuel
Lead Admin Asst.
Middle School School Lead Admin Asst.
Michele Marcinkowski
Self Contained
Middle School Self Contained
Megan McCaffrey
Education Assistant
Middle School Education Assistant
Michael Murphy
Physical Education
Middle School Physical Education
Elizabeth Napper
Math Teacher
Middle School Math
Edward O'Connor
Project Lead The Way Teacher
Middle School Project Lead The Way
Kathryn Padberg
Language Arts Teacher
Middle School Language Arts
David Polkow
Technology Assistant
Middle School Technology Assistant